About me

17952933_10212998062527127_3394428011955544482_nBelgian chocolate, ripe mangos, turquoise, rick-rack, accordions, long train rides, family snuggles, milky black tea, smooth rocks, early morning hours, forest walks and children’s books…these are a few of my favorite things.

I was “that child” who skipped dodge ball and jump rope in favor of 20 minutes of solitude in the school library. I have fond memories of afternoon outings with my mother to the county library, where, I’d peruse an endless sea of books waiting to be read. And truly, there was no better birthday gift for me than a new book.

“That child” has grown up (more or less) and her love for books has matured as well. Over the past twenty years, I have worked with children across the globe, first as a bi-lingual teacher in Oakland, California and most recently as the Director of La Puerta Abierta Learning Center in rural Guatemala. I have found great joy in sharing my love of reading with children across the globe and I remain curious about how children’s books can support universal understanding and create connections for the children of our world.

In addition, I am the mother of two spirited and rambunctious daughters who participate in our “home laboratory” and provide me with kid reviews and share insight into the child mind of books.

I am a wanderer at heart and my travels have taken me to far away places such as India, Brazil, Belgium and Mexico. Many of my journeys have been linked to creative school collaborations, hence when my nose is not buried in a book, I can be found researching inspiring schools around the world where children are receiving a dignified, compassionate, and meaningful education.

The intention of Sail Away Story is to:

  1. Highlight recommended children’s books with cultural and worldly themes.
  2. Share ideas as to how to connect extension activities with the book and your students/children.
  3. Celebrate alternative education centers around the world that are engaged in exemplary teaching practices.

Come sail away with me!